Aphyllophorales order was proposed by Rea, after Patouillard, for Basidiomycetes having macroscopic basidiocarps in which the hymenophore is flattened (Thelephoraceae), club-like (Clavariaceae), tooth-like (Hydnaceae) or has the hymenium lining tubes (Polyporaceae) or some times on lamellae, the poroid or lamellate hymenophores being tough and not fleshy as in the Agaricales. It comprises more than 190 genera of 52 families and total 1175 species. They are considered the major wood decomposer in the heartwood of dead and living trees, causes huge profit loss in the logging industry each year. It is estimated that one-third of the annual timber harvest is lost due to rot. Due to its woody texture along with attractive fruit bodies, these can be used as raw making decorative articles and establishing a mushroom ornament industry alongside to improve the economic situation of indigenous populations.
Siddhant and R.S. Kanaujia (2017). Aphyllophorales: A tool to make ornaments. National seminar on "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" Organized by Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Seoni (M.P.), India. February 11-12, 2017. p. 26.