During March, 1976, the infected leaves of Phlox drummondii were collected from Govt.Garden Faizabad. On examination Melanospora zamiae Corda was identified as causal organism. Earlier this fungus has not been found causing a disease on P. drummondii in India.
The spots appeared to be earthy grey to light brown, irregular, not exceeding 0.5 cm square area of the leaf on the ventral surface. Artificially infected healthy plants of Phlox drummondii developed characteristic disease spots within 16-20 days. Reisolations from artificially produced spots gave Melanospora zamiae.
The specimen has been deposited in the Herbarium Commonwealth Mycological Institute, England (IMI 210695).
Melanospora zamiae Corda has only been reported on dead leaves of Artocarpus incisa L from Bangalore by Ponnappa (1970) and , therefore, the present case is a new fungal host association for India.
Cited this as: Kanaujia R.S. and R. Kishore (1980): A new fungal disease of Phlox drummondii in India. Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Ptathology. 10 (1): 72.