Field surveys were conducted in Tikri
Reserved Forest during the monsoon
period of the years 2016 – 2018, in which a total of thirty nine mushroom species belonging to thirty genera
were collected and identified from different localities of the reserved forest. In 2019 more surveys are being conducted in the
reserved forest to explore the new mushroom specimens. In the field, mature
and well developed fruit bodies are being collected carefully. Various
ecological parameters are also being recorded along with other field data such
as habit, habitat etc. Well developed fruit bodies have been photographed. The
collections were then wrapped in waxed paper and brought to the laboratory for
further study. In the
2019 three more interesting genus viz., Astraeus hygrometricus, Conocybe sp.
and Chantharellus subalbidus have been identified on the basis of
their taxonomical characters. Among them, Chantharellus subalbidus is
the first authentic report from this area. (Link)
Cited this as: Siddhant, P.O. Ukaogo, Nidhi Singh and Mahesh Kumar (2019): An addition to the diversity of
macro fungi in Tikri Reserved Forest, Gonda (U.P.) India. 11th
Annual Scientific Conference on The role of Fungi in the Petroleum, Agro-allied
and Pharmaceutical Industries organized by Mycological Society of Nigeria, Nigeria.
October 06-09, 2019. p. 57.