Various treatments , viz., Hot water application (T1), Autoclaving (T2), Radiation (T3)
and Chemical treatment (T4) were tried for the
pasteurization of fresh and 12 months stored wheat straw to evaluate different
pasteurization techniques and to find out their necessity in cultivation of
mushrooms at small scale. In present investigation the mushroom beds were
examined for yield potential of Pleurotus
eous. The crop of mushroom was
harvested in three flushes where yield and biological efficiency ranged 255-300
gm, 51-60% and 90-285 gm, 18-57% respectively, under different pasteurization
practices in both fresh and stored straw substrate. Among the techniques
employed, chemically treated substrate proved most effective in respect of
various parameters of mushroom production.
The occurrence
of competitor fungi was also noticed during the cultivation. Six fungal species
belonging to Phycomycetes (Rhizopus stolonifer), Basidiomycetes (Coprinus cinereus ) and Deuteromycetes (Aspergillus
fumigates, Alternaria alternate, Curvularia lunata and Penicillium sp.)
were detected from mushroom beds. The overall result revealed the importance of
pasteurization against yield lose due to presence of competitors. However, it
did not seem compulsory in fresh substrate and optimum yield could be achieved
without pasteurization.
Cite is as: Siddhant and OP Ukaogo (2017): Is pasteurization really needed for small scale mushroom farming? 9th annual conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria organized by Mycological Society of Nigeria (MYCOSON). Abia State University (ABSU), Uturu, Abia State. December 10-13, 2017. Paper no. 0025.
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