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Monday, 28 May 2012

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Mushroom ornaments: A photo gallery

The present gallery  illustrates me and my father's creation on mushroom ornaments. Here, we have used  tough and leathery mushrooms of class Basidiomycetes for decorating purposes . Let all of you  should enjoy this section.

Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) as a Banyan tree
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys
Mushrooms in  shell-centerpiece
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys
Mushroom as a flowering plant
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys

Polypore fungus wall hanging showpiece 
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys

Polypore fungus as a throne
 Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys

                                                                                                        ....more updates will come soon            
                                                                                                          -Siddhant and R.S. Kanaujia                                                         


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