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Thursday, 27 December 2012

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Assessment of sugar loses during staling in different varieties of sugarcane under subtropical condition

The harvesting of sugarcane, in Indian subtropics generally starts from the month of November and continues till April or in certain cases extends upto May and June as per recommendations of the government and availability of raw materials. After harvesting of cane, the stored sugar is extracted in sugar mills. In between the harvesting and milling, the time lag is generally one to three days during which the extraction of maximum sugar is feasible. The ambient temperature affects adversely on stored sugar after harvesting. Therefore, the raw materials should be crushed as early as possible to avoid the sugar loses due to staling. Staling losses  are virtually most detrimental to sugar industry. These losses affect the cane tonnage which have to bear to the cane growers. In these lines several work has already been done in India and abroad (Batta and Singh, 1991; Boneta-Garcia and Lugo-Lopez, 1962; Egan, 1968, Sharma and Sunita, 1993; Solomon et al., 1997; Uppal and Sharma, 1999; Uppal et al., 2000). In this context, it has been observed by previous workers that beside being the ambient temperature, the varieties play vital role in a varied behavior. This study was undertaken to asses the sugar losses during staling at Shahjahanpur condition in elite varieties for selection of less prone in sugar losses and cane weight reduction.
The experiment was planned at Sugarcane Research Institute farm (U.P. council of Sugarcane Research) Shahjahanpur with ten elite sugarcane varieties namely CoS 95255, CoS 96268, CoS 97261, CoS 96275, CoS 97264, CoS 8432, CoS 8436, CoSe 98231, CoS 767 and CoSe 92423 in spring planting season of the year 2006-07. Two budded setts of each variety were planted in Randomized Block Design (RBD) replicated thrice. The recommended practices like fertilizers, irrigation and cultural operations were carried out as per schedule. Samples were collected in the month of February to June for staling purposes. Each variety was kept from 0-120 h in open field condition for staling after harvest. The cane weight and sugar analysis was carried out at 24 h interval. The data collected during study was statistically analysed. The sugr analysis was done by following the method of Meade and Chen (1977).
The results revealed that the fibrous varieties of late maturing group such as CoSe 92423, CoS 97261 and CoS 8432 showed less reduction in cane weight and higher reduction in pol% whereas the less fibrous type of early maturing group like CoS 95255, CoS 96268 and CoS 8436 showed less reduction in pol % and higher loss in cane weight. (See link)

1) Batta SK, Singh R (1991): Post harvest deterioration in quality of sugarcane. Bhartiya Sugar. 16(4): 49-50.
2) Boneta-Garcia, E Lugo-Lopez, MA (1962): Losses of sucrose in cut cane kept under shade or sun for different periods. J. Agric. Univ. P.R., 46(3): 189-194.
3) Egan BT (1968): Post -harvest deterioration losses in sugarcane in Queensland. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugarcane Technol., 13:32.
4) Meade GP, Chen JGP (1977): Cane Sugar Handbook. Edn 10. A Wile Inter Science Publication, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
5) Sharma KP, Sunita, S (1993): Post harvest losses in sugarcane on staling. National Symposium on improvement in sugarcane quality for increasing sugar production. September 21-23, 1993, IISR-Lucknow.
6): Solomon S, Shrivastava AK, Srivastava BL, Madan VK (1997): Pre-milling sugar losses and their management in sugarcane. Technical Bulletin No. 37. Indian institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, pp.1-217.
7) Uppal SK, Sharma S (1999): Relative performance of sugarcane genotype to post harvest inversion in subtropical region. Indian Sugar, 49(5): 345-348.
8) Uppal SK, Sharma S, Sindhu GS, (2000): Response of sugarcane genotypes to post-harvest deterioration under natural field conditions exposed to sun vs. shade. Crop Research. 19(1): 13-16.

Cite this as: Siddhant, Srivastava, R.P. Singh, S.B. and Sharma, M.L. (2008): Assessment of sugar loses during staling in different varieties of sugarcane under subtropical condition. Sugar Tech 10(4):350-354. (PDF file)


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