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Thursday, 27 December 2012

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Studies on minimizing quality and quantity losses in stale cane

The existing cane harvesting and supply management system in sub tropical cane growing belt is a serious impediment in obtaining higher sugar recovery. The time lag between harvesting to milling of cane generally ranges between 3-7 days which entails losses in recoverable sugar (Solomon et al., 2007). The sugarcane varieties although varies for such losses but altogether each and every variety loses its cane weight and sugar after harvesting (Siddhant et al., 2008). Studies have indicated decline in sucrose per cent in cane to the extent of 2.0 units within period of 72 hours of harvest, depending upon the sugarcane genotype and milling season (Solomon, 2000). Previously, Srivastava and co-workers (2006) have attempted to assess the quality and quantity losses in different genotypes under varied staling duration. The present communication highlights the strategies to minimizing the quality and quantity losses in three elite sugarcane varieties under sub-tropical condition.  
The experiment was conducted at Sugarcane Research Farm (U.P. Council of Sugarcane research) shahjahanpur in spring planting season in the year 2007-2008. Three elite sugarcane vareities, viz., CoSe 92423, CoS 8432 (Mid late maturing) and CoS8436 (Early maturing) were taken for the study. Two buds setts of each varieties were planted in Randomize Block Design (RBD) in three replicates. Nitrogen was given in the form of urea @ 150kg N/ha, half basal and rest half in two equal splits before onset of mansoon. The agronomical and irrigational practices were followed as per local recommendations. Sample were harvested in the month of march and April for experimental purposes. The physical and chemical methods were employed to minimize the cane weight and sugar losses from 0-120 hours after harvesting the canes. Physical methods include, cane under shade, water spray, cane with trash cover, cane with trash cover + water spray while chemical methods include solution of Mercuric Chloride, Salicylic Acid, Ammonium Bifluoride, Zinc Sulphate and Sodium Azide (1% conc.).The chemicals were sprayed over freshly harvested canes and was kept for 0-120 hours for further studies. The physical method was also employed after harvesting of cane varieties. In each treatment of physical method, the cane weight loss and pol per cent cane were observed while in the treatment of chemical method only pol per cent cane was taken at from 0-120 hours at 24 hours intervals. The sugar analysis was done by following Meade and Chen (1977) method. The data were recorded in three replicates and were statistically analyzed. 
The physical method showed their effectiveness in minimizing sugar and cane weight losses in stale sugarcane being more in covering the harvested cane with the trash + water spray. In chemical method, Sodium Azide was found relatively more effective in minimizing sugar losses as compared to other chemicals. On the basis of results obtained it may be suggested to the farmers and sugar factories that if, there is a big time lag between kill to mill, the harvested cane should be sprayed with aqueous solution of Sodium azide and covered with trash to minimize quality and quantity losses. (See Original)  

1) Meade GP and Chen JGP (1977): Cane Sugar Handbook. Edn 10. A Wiley Inter science Publication, john Wiley and Sons, New York.
2) Siddhant, Srivastava RP, Singh SB, Sharma ML (2008): assessment of sugar losses during staling in different varieties of sugarcane under subtropical condition. Sugar tech 10(4):350-354.
3) Solomon s (2000): Post harvest cane deterioration and its milling consequences. Sugar Tech 2(1&2): 1-18.
4) Solomon S, Srivastava AK, Yadav RL (2007): Strategies to minimizing post harvest sucrose losses in sugarcane. An overview Proc Annual Conv STAI 68:112-121.
5)Srivastava RP, Singh SP, lal K, Singh SB (2006): Cane staling losses- An emerging challenge to Indian sugar industry. All India seminar on efficient practices in sugarcane at U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research Shahjhanpur (U.P.). March 25, 2006. pp. 91-97. 

Cite this as: Srivastava, R.P., Siddhant and Sharma, M.L. (2009): Studies on minimizing quantity and quality losses in staled cane. Sugar Tech 11(2): 176-180. (PDF file)


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