Aim: The efficient mushroom production involves many factors of which spawn production, culture methods and substrate selection are of prime importance. The research has, therefore, been carried out to standardize these aspects in present communication, for production of Pleurotus florida Strain- P1.
Materials and Methods: Various cereals (maize, oat, barley) and millets (Italian millets, Little millet, Pearl millet) were assessed against wheat grain spawn for enhancing yield and biological efficiency of mushroom. Most suitable wheat straw component among fine pieces of leaves and leaf sheath (0.2 cm), coarse pieces of leaves and leaf sheath (0.4 cm), small (1.0 cm) and large pieces of the stem (1.7 cm) were also evaluated for the manifestations above. Various culture methods viz., bag, column, wall and tray culture and few substrate mixtures (corncob + wheat straw, mango sawdust + wheat straw and rice husk + wheat straw) have also been taken to increase yield performance of mushroom.
Cited this as: C.S.
Singh, Siddhant, Ruchira Singh and
R.S. Kanaujia (2020). Integrated approach to improve yield
parameters of Pleurotus florida Strain P1. In: Makky EA (ed.) Recent
Progress in Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol.2. Book Publisher
International, West Bengal and United Kingdom. pp. 94-105.