Faizabad is located at 260 470 N to 260 780 N latitude and 82.080 E to 82.130 E longitude having an average elevation of 97 meters above the sea level. It is situated on the bank of river Ghaghra formally known as Saryu. It lies in transitional zone between central and the tarai region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh which enjoys a climate congenial for the growth of fungi in general and mushrooms in particular. Genus Volvariella belongs to family Pluteaceae of order Agaricales, have been reported from tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of both the eastern and the western hemispheres. Few surveys were made to explore its biodiversity from different parts of district Faizabad during June-September, 2006-12. Three Volvariella spp. viz., V. volvacea, V. indica and V. bombycina were collected and identified during the study. Among them, V. volvacea was found in abundance in rice fields and exposed paddy straw stocks. Few specimens were also gathered from mango and jamun orchard while few were obtained from decaying wood of Phoenix sylvestris and decomposed saw dust. These were collected in full bloom in sultry weather of late June- mid September. However their existence was also noticed during the later part of September.
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Volvariella volvacea on paddy straw
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys
Volvariella indica was also found in plenty from mango orchards, grass land and in association with bamboo trees. These were collected in full bloom in sultry weather of late June- August. Their existence was occasionally noticed during the first half of September.
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Volvariella indica
Photo © Dr. Siddhant Oys
V. bombycina was a rare species which found only on decaying log of Ficus religiosa and F. lacor. These were collected in the month of July-August. (Link)
Volvariella bombycina
Photo © Dr. R.S. Kanaujia
Cited this as: Ruchira Singh, Siddhant and R.S. Kanaujia (2013):Diversity of Genus Volvariella in Faizabad district. 3rd National Conference on "Environment and Biodiversity of India" organized by North East Center for Environmental Education and Research (NECEER), Imphal in association with PE Society's Modern College, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra. Oct 06, 2013. p.51-52. (Abstract)
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